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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Let's see Google !

heeey world ! i just knew that google show us new appearence today :D
and it's like this

do you know what's the meaning of that? Let's see
our astronauts are discovering water on the moon!

wow, it's very cool yeah?

Since man first touched the moon and brought pieces of it back to Earth, scientists have thought that the lunar surface was bone dry. But new observations from three different spacecraft have put this notion to rest with what has been called "unambiguous evidence" of water across the surface of the moon.

The moon remains drier than any desert on Earth, but the water is said to exist on the moon in very small quantities. One ton of the top layer of the lunar surface would hold about 32 ounces of water, researchers said.  

"If the water molecules are as mobile as we think they are — even a fraction of them — they provide a mechanism for getting water to those permanently shadowed craters," said planetary geologist Carle Pieters of Brown University in Rhode Island, who led one of the three studies in Science on the lunar find, in a statement. "This opens a whole new avenue [of lunar research], but we have to understand the physics of it to utilize it."

Finding water on the moon would be a boon to possible future lunar bases, acting as a potential source of drinking water and fuel.


Sejak manusia pertama kali menyentuh bulan dan membawa potongan-potongan itu kembali ke Bumi, para ilmuwan telah berpikir bahwa permukaan bulan adalah tulang kering. Tapi pengamatan baru dari tiga pesawat yang berbeda telah meletakkan gagasan ini untuk beristirahat dengan apa yang disebut "bukti jelas" air di permukaan bulan.

Bulan tetap lebih kering daripada padang pasir di bumi, tetapi air dikatakan ada di bulan dalam jumlah yang sangat kecil. Satu ton lapisan atas permukaan bulan akan menyelenggarakan sekitar 32 ons air, kata para peneliti.

"Jika molekul air adalah sebagai ponsel seperti yang kita pikir mereka - bahkan sebagian dari mereka - mereka menyediakan mekanisme untuk mendapatkan air untuk mereka dibayangi kawah secara permanen," kata ahli geologi planet Carle Pieters dari Brown University di Rhode Island, yang memimpin salah satu dari tiga studi di Science pada bulan menemukan, dalam sebuah pernyataan. "Ini akan membuka jalan baru [dari penelitian bulan], tetapi kita harus memahami fisika itu untuk menggunakannya."

Mencari air di bulan akan menguntungkan di masa depan mungkin lunar base, bertindak sebagai potensi sumber air minum dan bahan bakar.

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